
35 Years of Bold Righteous Talk: Strengthening Relationships Through Radio

A Message from Don Crawford Jr. - General Manager

I started in RADIO in 1989, so 35 years ago, and have never left. It, radio, was and still remains the engine that drives each and every ministry campaign on the station. Without that precious, priceless, irreplaceable medium, I have no idea what God would have done with me. But here I am, by His grace, protecting and promoting radio, for one client at a time. One listener at a time. One fellow-Chiristian employee at a time. All of us doing what we can professionally to not just perpetuate but strengthen our relationship with you every way we can on the air and on the phone. Sure, we get tons of emails and replies to posts, and we greatly appreciate that feedback. But we still want to talk to you to grow our relationships with you. So call us, talk to us, ask us, and let us help. After 35 years of doing THIS, particularly selling, managing, and owning stations, that has not changed. Our relationship with Him and you have not changed. The KBRITE theme is Bold Righteous Talk. But the R is ultimately for that relationship with Christ and you. We have never forgotten that and hope you do not as well. So help us by continuing to support this personal Relationship RADIO station every way you can.” I’m General Manager, Don Crawford Jr..
