This post is written by Shane Idleman and originally posted on his website,
With President Trump recently surveying the damage in the Palisades and Pasadena, Californians will elect their next governor in 2026, and the stakes have never been higher. The need to address critical issues confronting this great state is urgent. Being born and raised here, and now serving as a pastor in northern Los Angeles county, I have witnessed the slow deterioration up close. But there is hope…
Many do not know that the California Constitution Preamble states: “We, the People of the State of California, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to secure and perpetuate its blessings, do establish this Constitution.”
From the early days of the Spanish Missions to the Billy Graham Crusades in Los Angeles in the 1950s to the Calvary Chapel movement, God’s hand has clearly been on California. Unsurprisingly, it has the fifth-largest economy in the world and has worldwide influence. God has truly perpetuated California’s blessings.
But over the decades, under the banner of “progressivism,” we have strayed away from our foundation noted in the preamble — reliance on God. Ronald Reagan said: “If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” This applies to California as well. Once a place of hope, California is now the place where dreams die.
Although many issues play a role in a person’s decision to leave, such as the approach to the pandemic lockdowns, a loss of freedom, an increase in the cost of living, and increasing regulations on corporations and business owners, the focus of this article is on one of the biggest concerns — illegal immigration.
California is a state of thankful immigrants. Most came here to better themselves and to contribute to society. But now things have shifted BIG time.
To properly handle immigration, it must be a legal process. Second, we must prioritize citizens and citizenship —if everything is a priority, then nothing is. When an airplane loses cabin pressure, parents put on their oxygen masks first so they can then assist their child. This isn’t selfishness; it’s wisdom. In the same way, the governor is to put the safety of his people first. We are about to pay a heavy cost given the fact many convicted murderers are here illegally and that Gavin Newsom and California Democrats recently reached a $50M deal to Trump-proof the state. Yes, you read that correctly. Confused? So am I.
I have a hard time understanding how many are silent on this issue unless it’s to attract more voters to California. Just recently, California would not allow voting locations to require IDs to vote. Please tell me how this makes sense.
Do we want power and control so much that we will literally sacrifice the lives and security of our citizens for it? God help us!
I’m not naïve; I know that all ideas have flaws, but we need to begin the conversation and get the ball rolling. Our motto must be: Compassion meets Concern. We must show compassion, but also fervently guard our citizens — which is actually the role of government.
Secure the border and severely curtail crossings while increasing security.
Use a lie detector or other technology to gauge intent and motives of those without any convictions. I know that this isn’t bulletproof, but it adds another layer of accountability.
Determine if it is a family who truly needs assistance or if it is a person who might pose a security threat.
Develop programs to help them learn English within two years.
There must be a plan in place for employment, not free handouts.
Streamline the process of becoming a citizen, such as issuing a temporary “pass” while the details are looked into.
Adding measures such as these would show compassion and also ease the fear of deportation. However, it is nearly impossible to vet most of those who cross our borders illegally.
Again, this invasion will not stop until we remove the incentives to come here, such as government handouts of free money, food, and medical care. We need a defensible border and courts that actually enforce the laws. Again, I’m well aware of the challenges, but we’ll miss 100% of the shots we don’t take.
Although securing our borders and communities is essential, it pales in comparison to securingour relationship with God. We walked away from our preamble, mocked God’s Word, and scoffed at His principles — now, we are reaping the whirlwind. We must return to Him: “Return to Me, and I will return to you” (Mal. 3:7).
Like America’s Founders in their time of crisis, it’s time to call for a season of prayer, fasting, and repentance. At this stage in the game, this is the best way to divert disaster.
There still is Hope-4-California.
Catch Shane Idleman’s show Regaining Lost Ground, Weekdays at 6:00AM on AM 1240 and Sundays at 10:30AM on AM 740.