
City Prayer Walk Recap

This summer we walked around the city and prayed for all things Costa Mesa like schools, neighborhoods, playgrounds, city officials, and much more. As we stopped at each landmark or building, we were reminded of the sacrifice, dedication, hardship, and joy our city carries with each member. We prayed over the Boys and Girls Club, deep meaningful prayers. We trust God provides healing and can save us from all situations.

We try to join Love Costa Mesa every month in these prayers and are committed to fostering a strong culture of prayer in our city. Our goal is to create a unified community of Prayer led by every church in the local community. As followers of Christ, we are responsible for praying for the growth of God’s kingdom, and to work together in harmony towards this goal.

Through collective action, we can demonstrate His love. Our vision is to cover every part of the city with consistent and purposeful prayer, which we believe can be achieved through the unity of the Church and our neighbors. By joining in prayer, on our walks, and other gatherings in the community, we anticipate the outpouring of heaven into our city, county, state, and nation.

Our primary focus is to seek God and spread the Gospel. This is accomplished through prayer and social initiatives that promote wholeness for His children. Prayer is fundamental and irreplaceable; through it, we align ourselves with God’s intentions for and through us. It is our vital link for communicating and building a relationship with God. Join us in our next City Prayer Walk together, with Love Costa Mesa at City Hall every first Wednesday of the month at Costa Mesa City Hall from 12 PM- 1 PM.

Shout out for a special thanks, to Reina Cuthill, Kayton Garcia, and Kathy Gilbert for their dedication to praying over our communities.

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