
Are you afraid? Do you fear the future?Are you afraid or at least deeply concerned about America, the radical changes which are occurring in our once great country, and in fact the world over. Do you fear for the future, for your family and friends, for yourself? Do you fear that America has lost its way, is now in the control and political decision making of those who are anti-American, anti-Christian, and wish fundamental and radical changes in our country in every meaningful respect, are you really deeply concerned and afraid?Many are, a very many, many perhaps by the


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Every four years it seems, we the people are told that we will face the most important election ever…
Owe no man nothing, says the scripture.The fact remains, however, that every single American is in debt, EVERY ONE…
There was a time, in America no less, when true evangelicals, real born-again Christians, were of great moral influence…
Do you intend to vote in this critical November election, do you?Are you registered to vote so that, unlike…