
There is no greater privilege for any man or woman than that of being a:PARENT.To be the father or mother of a son or daughter is indeed life’s greatest privilege. But with that privilege comes great responsibility. Parenting, true parenting, and biblical-Christian parenting demands commitment, real commitment. When unto those parents a child is born, life’s priorities change, irrevocably change. No matter career, education, hobby or any other thing of interest, parenting becomes:PRIORITY #1So says the scripture. So says the Apostle Paul. And so says God the Father who, as the supreme example of father, sent his son to


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Many believe the Biden administration, happily and now an historical footnote, fostered an anti-Christian approach to politics, culture, and…
Owe no man nothing, says the scripture.The fact remains, however, that every single American is in debt, EVERY ONE…
Donald J. Trump was elected the 47th president of the United States with both a campaign and a promise…
“LOVE IS THE GREATEST.””Even greater than faith, or hope, or any other thing.We celebrate the love of Valentine’s Day…