Politics And Your Faith: Why Should The Christian Care ? – B

Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that our Christian influence throughout history cannot be ignored. Our Biblical worldview speaks to our culture in various ways, and voting is one important way to voice our influence for good.

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More Episodes

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that wealth can go to our heads, and affect our hearts. Having wealth is not evil, but people having wealth often exploit the poor, while God chooses the poor to be rich in faith, and heirs of His kingdom.

The post Partiality And Its Influences – B first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.


Today, Pastor Jack teaches that if we dishonor the poor, we are dishonoring God, who doesn’t value earthly wealth and status. It is not loving to treat one another based on how much money they have.

The post Partiality And Its Influences – A first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.


Today, Pastor Jack teaches that God does not see as man sees. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

The post The Folly Of Favoritism – C first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.


Today, Pastor Jack teaches that partiality damages the cause of Christ. We often rush to judgement based on appearances. When we meet those who appear to be wealthy, we gravitate towards them in hopes of benefitting from their riches.

The post The Folly Of Favoritism – B first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.
