
Friends of FRC Banquet in Newport Beach, CA.

Friends of the Family Research Council had their annual banquet, and the food did not disappoint. I can’t help it! Even Tony Perkins mentioned how amazing the Seabass and Steak were in his speech! Everyone nodded in agreeance. It was a real moment.

Moreover, Danny Gokey’s performance was outstanding as usual. He showcased his talent as a singer committed to God and Country. During the event, he performed his new song from his latest album, “I Got You”. This song serves as a reminder that with God by your side, you can overcome any challenges that come your way. The evening, which took place in Newport Beach, was a great experience.

Highlights of the event included a performance by @dannygokey and a time of prayer for our former intern, @vanessa.l.sivadge, who was recently dismissed for exposing illegal gender “treatments” on minors at Texas Children’s Hospital.

Tell Texas Children’s Hospital to Reinstate Vanessa.

You can help Vanessa. Get more information at: 
