
From Grief to Grace

How Jim Turned Tragedy into a Ministry of Hope and Healing

Jim’s story is a powerful testament to how God can use our deepest pain for his purposes. Through his ministry, he has become a father figure to many — offering the love, support, and hope that he once gave to his own son, Brian.

Sixteen years ago, Jim’s world was shattered when he returned from church to find police officers waiting for him at his house. That was when he learned of Brian’s passing from a heroin overdose. In the depths of his grief, Jim saw no way out: “I remember actually thinking that I would never smile again, or I’d never be able to laugh again.”

Shock. Despair. Sadness beyond description. But little did Jim know his life was about to change in a way he didn’t expect.

Not long after, he received a phone call from Ron Brown, who at the time was the Director of Orange County Teen Challenge. Jim was deeply affected by his prayers and encouragement during one of the lowest parts of his life — so much so that he needed to learn more about what Teen Challenge was all about.

At the time, there was a Teen Challenge Outreach in San Juan Capistrano for at-risk youth and children, staffed by several staff and apprentices who lived on-site. Jim visited and shared his story with them. As they prayed together and shared their testimonies, Jim learned that many had struggled with heroin addiction. In their stories, he saw hope that addiction didn’t always have to end in tragedy as it had with Brian.

Despite feeling initially inadequate, Jim committed to volunteering to their outreach ministry, God’s Gang, for over four years. He became involved in activities he’d never done before, like sharing his story with rooms full of neighborhood teens, “God put that in my life to help mend a broken heart and give me something for that time. He grew me through that time in lots of different ways,” Jim remembers.

During this period, Jim also formed connections with Teen Challenge apprentices, seeing in them similar challenges Brian struggled with. He realized he had something valuable to offer them: the same love, care, and listening he had given his son.

As Jim’s involvement with Teen Challenge grew, so did his ministry. One of the young men he befriended ended up in jail, “The Holy Spirit provoked me and encouraged me to just go out and see the guy. For what reason, I didn’t know, but I just did it,” Jim says. More than anything he wanted this man to know he wasn’t forgotten — that he was cared for, “After a few times, he asked if I could go see his cellmate. At first, I hesitated, but again, God said, ‘Just do it.’ So I went and saw him. This led to other requests, and the scenario repeated itself, expanding further.”

Before Jim knew it, people in prisons all over the state began to reach out to him. He got connected with public defenders, judges, and even testified in courts. What started as a way to make sense of his loss evolved into a full-time volunteer role as a “jail coordinator” for Teen Challenge.

Not too long after Brian had passed, Jim found himself in a deep state of mourning and heavy depression. God was working in his life, but he was still dealing with the grief and loss:

One day, I was at my wits’ end, almost on the edge of not knowing what to do. I was talking to God, and it was revealed to me to give it all to him. I had probably said the sinner’s prayer a thousand times in my life, but this time it was from a different place in my heart. It was deeper, more emotional, and meaningful. At that moment, I surrendered everything to him. I remember feeling like I was literally picking my son up and handing him to God, surrendering my guilt, shame, and everything. I gave my life and purpose to God.

Today, Jim spends his time visiting incarcerated individuals, writing letters of encouragement, and working with various entities to help people find hope and healing through Jesus. He has witnessed countless lives transformed, relationships restored, and futures redeemed.

Jim’s own life has been profoundly changed through this journey. He describes it as being a “student” of Teen Challenge, “God has taken me through this program, showed me things, molded me, and changed me, just as he does with the students.” His marriage has been strengthened, and he has found a deep sense of purpose in sharing hope with others who are struggling.

August 31 is International Overdose Awareness Day, the world’s largest campaign to end overdose. We encourage you to visit overdoseday.com and learn more about how, together, we can be catalysts for change and prevent more people from losing their lives or their loved ones to drugs.
