
In Touch Ministries with Charles Stanley

About This Show
Dr. Charles Stanley and In Touch Ministries’ daily radio program.

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Learn the importance of servanthood as a basic principle of enjoying your relationship with Jesus Christ….
We are given many names in the Bible such as ambassadors and disciples, and God challenges us to be…
To be a disciple, we are to disentangle anything from our lives that holds us back from fully…
Do you have a tough time discovering the Lord’s will for your life?…
Follow the pattern of selfless service that Christ has set before you….
The Lord’s purpose is to bring us back from our alienated position to oneness with Him….
Dr. Stanley explains how God bridged the gap between Himself and us by the cross where He sent His…
No matter how heavy the load you carry, you can trust God with your burdens….
Dr. Stanley calls believers to detach from anything that we place above God if we want to become true…
Some seasons in life bring joy while others bring discouragement, but God is our everlasting refuge in all circumstances….
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