
In Touch Ministries with Charles Stanley

About This Show
Dr. Charles Stanley and In Touch Ministries’ daily radio program.

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Because Jesus lived a sinless life as a man, He was able to be the perfect sacrifice for our…
Jesus Christ’s death on the cross made it possible for us to receive God’s grace….
Follow the example of God in creation after each busy day: get alone, get quiet, and rest….
To have a healthy relationship with your heavenly Father, it’s crucial to accept His leadership and direction….
Instead of being ruled by sin, surrender to God—the One who is truly sovereign—and recognize His position of authority….
What are the complexities behind the topic of sin and what role does disobedience play in regard to sin?…
Learn how sin causes death and destruction that only Christ can overcome….
Dr. Stanley begins with the origin of sin and walks us through sin’s effects on humanity ever since the…
Receive a detailed explanation of the Lord’s Prayer and its importance….
Find out the different kinds of burdens and how we can be relieved of them….
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