
Discovering The Jewish Jesus

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“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I…
Is there an ongoing competition between good and evil?  Is God in a power struggle with the Devil? Find…
It is easy to acknowledge the Lord when things are going good in our life, but what about when…
Now that we know we are blessed beyond measure, Predestined in Yeshua, and have a new relational Identity with…
Knowing that we have been predestined in Yeshua is only half the battle. We must realize that we are…
Having an Identity in Yeshua Hamachiach means we are blessed in all things, however, it does not mean that…
“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.”…
By understanding predestination to God through Yeshua, we are able to acknowledge that it is the only way to…
In knowing that we have been predestined to God through Yeshua, we have a new found revelation of how…
Through the blood of Yeshua, we know that we are saved from our sins and have peace with God,…
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