
Real Life Radio with Jack Hibbs

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Today, Pastor Jack teaches that marriage is what binds two individuals together creating a family order for the home. A home where each one talks as well as listens, and looks at each other with an expression of love and affection.

The post Life And Bible: Being A Christian In Your Home – 1B first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.


Today, Pastor Jack teaches that it’s in the heart of each of us to have someone who loves us, and is faithful towards us. And, when two become one in marriage, a little universe is created, and from it flows ideas, personalities, desires and ambitions.

The post Life And Bible: Being A Christian In Your Home – 1A first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.


Today, Pastor Jack teaches that Christians are to uphold their mate above all others, both vocally, and in actions. Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her. Wives are to submit to their husbands as to the Lord. The closer the relationship, the greater the ministry.

The post Life And Bible: Being A Christian In Your Relationships – C first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.


Today, Pastor Jack teaches that Christians are to marry Christians. So, as we begin to date, we need to ask ourselves, do they love God more than me? Do they fear God? Are their lives anchored in the Lord? Love is not a feeling, but a willful deliberate decision to commit, and respect our spouses above all others.

The post Life And Bible: Being A Christian In Your Relationships – B first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.


Today, Pastor Jack teaches that in finding a mate, we’re not to listen to unbelievers. We were created to have an attraction towards a possible wife or husband, but we’re to ask the Lord if it’s from Him. Appearances aren’t everything. We must go deeper for a Godly relationship.

The post Life And Bible: Being A Christian In Your Relationships – A first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.


Today, Pastor Jack teaches that before God formed us in the womb, He knew us. Life is a God-given creation that is to be lived to its ultimate end.

The post Politics And Your Faith: Why Defending The Pre-born Matters – A first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.


Today, Pastor Jack asks the question, “Should the government be involved in the family?” The answer is yes, but only to help raise our children and protect our marriage. So, we need to vote for the one that is for our freedom and for the defense of our family and home.

The post Politics And Your Faith: Why Traditional Marriage Matters – C first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.


Today, Pastor Jack teaches that traditional marriage is God’s plan for the family. It’s why parents, and not the government, should have the primary responsibility of training up America’s children.

The post Politics And Your Faith: Why Traditional Marriage Matters – B first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.


Today, Pastor Jack teaches that God’s plan for marriage starts with the husband. He is to love his wife as Christ loves the church and gave Himself for it. In turn, the two will become one, submitting to one another as we submit to the Lord.

The post Politics And Your Faith: Why Traditional Marriage Matters – A first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.


Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that American foreign policy is heading down a dangerous path of judgment. In this coming election and in every election, Christians must not vote their conscience, or their political party. They must and can only vote according to their Bible.

The post Politics And Your Faith: Why Israel Matters – C first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.

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