
The Crawford Stand

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Listen as Crawford Media Group’s President and Owner, Don Crawford Sr., provides Christian commentary related to God, Country, and YOU. Mr. Crawford’s messages are

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So, husband and wife, father and mother, or one without the other in God’s
providence, if you decide with God’s blessing to have children and to make a HOME,
then that becomes your primary priority, and you must do it right. You must structure
the home by biblical standards, and enforce them, in loving and disciplinary ways as
Christians with the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
That Christian home must be ruled by the Holy Spirit. Our Lord Jesus Christ must be
the HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD-HOME! No exceptions, no compromises, and since
your hand found that to do:
A real Christian home requires two real Christian parents, both mother and father as
strong believers in Jesus Christ. One without the other is simply not enough, for one
believer parent and one non-believer parent produce:
No real Christian home, effective, meaningful, and lasting can ever be truly and
thoroughly Christian, but compromised at the top, if one parent is a non-believer.
The first priority for Christian parenting and the making-structuring of the Christian
home is the investment of:
Adequate, qualitative and quantitative, LOVING time must be invested in the building
of the Chrisitan home and is critical for maintaining those noble and ethical
standards. The more time the better. Regular FAMILY TOGETHERNESS should be
scheduled. David sought the face of the Lord three times daily, morning, noon, and
evening. Perhaps the modern, busy, cellphone-age family should do the same.
The best quality time should be spent at home, in the home. That time should include
one-on-one time, father and son and daughter, and mother and son and daughter. It
need not be long, says Paul, but qualitative. It should be real time, where both parent
and child desire to be with each other one-on-one.
The second priority is to train up that child in the way in which he or she should go
so that when they are mature, on their own, making a difference in society, the Christ
of Glory is #1 in their lives. That includes the full sharing of the beliefs of the parents
so that the child knows the strong faith, hope, and love of the parent for Jesus Christ
and for the family which he has blessed all members with. Each parent shares faith
and belief and each child shares faith and belief. There is mutuality in dialogue,
discourse, and discussion. Lecturing and sermonizing accomplish little in this day and
age. Sharing MUTUALITY is critical. That builds respect and appreciation for EVERY
The third parental responsibility and duty is to:
Really listen to everything said, shared, confessed, to every word of every member.
There comes the inevitable family battle between:
Far too many parents are too good at lecturing (do what I say and not necessarily as I
do) and poor at listening or not at all. Nothing turns off a child or a spouse, nothing
shows disrespect for that individual like not listening, NOTHING!
The fourth priority in building a strong Christian home is that of:
Parents should encourage children to speak, share, be open and unafraid to share
their deepest thoughts, feelings, and:
Especially spiritual-religious-Christian doubts, or any serious questions they may have
about the faith. No comment, no word, no thought from any family member should
ever be disparaged, NEVER! Nothing and no individual should ever be ridiculed,
criticized, or presented with real negative disrespectful reactions or responses.
Everything said and shared should be respected and respectfully dialogued with.
The fifth priority of building and maintaining a Christian HOME is that of:
Every member of the family circle should be open and feel confident in sharing their
most intimate and deeply felt thoughts and feelings. When the family meets to discuss
anything, spiritual or secular, Christian or cultural, anything from the head or heart
goes, ANYTHING! Anything deeply felt and not shared finds out elsewhere in the
secular, anti-Christian culture of today, or even acting out against the parents in
harmful ways. Nothing prevents criminality or anti-social behavior, including the
illegal and overuse of alcohol and drugs, than parental openness and loving
The sixth priority of a home, a Christian and biblical home, is that it be:
Every member of the household must fully and confidently believe that their Christian
home stands for:
The cardinal rule for any parent or child is that both parent and child should:
NEVER. Nothing destroys love and respect more than a lie.
The seventh priority of any permanent Christian HOME is that its biblical standards
should never be compromised. If they are, in any way, there should be confession,
openly admitting wrongdoing, apologizing with the vow that those standards will never
be broken again to the best of the offender’s ability.
The eighth most important priority in a Christian home is to:
So that, every member of the Christian household, each parent and every child, should
Standing for the faith, witnessing of that faith, never apologizing for strong Christian
faith, uncompromised in every way.
The building, the establishment, and perhaps most importantly, the maintaining of a
Christian home with its biblical and Christ-like standards, loving to the core is a
constant challenge, demanding the very best of each of the home members, requiring
time, effort, planning, and prioritizing in every way possible, so that as parents mature
and LEARN (they must), and children are trained up in the way in which they should


There is no greater privilege for any man or woman than that of being a:
To be the father or mother of a son or daughter is indeed life’s greatest privilege. But with that privilege comes great responsibility. Parenting, true parenting, and biblical-Christian parenting demands commitment, real commitment. When unto those parents a child is born, life’s priorities change, irrevocably change. No matter career, education, hobby or any other thing of interest, parenting becomes:
So says the scripture. So says the Apostle Paul. And so says God the Father who, as the supreme example of father, sent his son to this world, to us, that we might know what the ultimate and eternal father-son relationship really is. That eternal father and son provides the perfect example of what parenting should be, heavenly and earthly.
TRAIN UP A CHILD. Train him or her in the ways of the Lord, believer father and believer mother. The God-given birth of that son or daughter becomes priority #1 for BOTH father and mother. So says our heavenly father. Building a Christian home with a Chrisitan father and mother, structuring and controlling that home, is then, at birth priority #1 and always will be.
HOME, that sacred environment where there is Christian learning, loving, and listening is the very finest thing for any Christian parent.
That home must be guided by REAL CHRISTIANITY. Christian principles must apply. The morality of old and new testaments must be the Lonestar, the code of ethics and honor of that home. That is why it is critical, indispensable, uncompromisingly so that both mother and father be:
For only real Christian mothers and fathers, true believing parents can:
For, done right, when children are raised in a real Christian home by real Christian
parents (both father and mother) and where the love of the Lord prevails, only then can
both principles, that Christian code of ethics, last a lifetime. Only then can the child
become the Christian the parent is, like the Christian parent, and believe like them for
a lifetime. Children will never depart from the belief of real Christian parents no matter
Children are remarkably sensitive. They sense hypocrisy perhaps even better than
adults. If any parent is ‘do what I say and not necessarily what I do,’ the child rebels,
acts out, disavows, and comes to believe that not only is the purported faith of the
parents hypocritical, but that all of Christianity itself is hypocrisy. So, when they are
old and ready to depart the home, leave their parents, and become adults on their
own, they want nothing to do with what they believe is hypocritical Christianity. The
parents, mother and father, have failed the child in the most negative way.
Our Lord and the Apostle Paul have told us so very clearly that there are three great
things in this world:
And the greatest of these is LOVE. The greatest lesson any child can learn is Christian
love and that Christian love displayed between husband and wife, father and mother,
that real love that exists between father and son, mother and daughter, and each
parent for each and every child, equally, sincerely, and without compromise. The
ultimate expression of that love was the love between God the Father and our Lord
Jesus Christ. Real love, parent for child is like that and when it is, or when parents do
their very best guided by the Holy Spirit to saturate the home with Christian love, the
child learns the greatest lesson in all of life. Nothing can equal a home filled with
Christian love, Christian parents loving young Christian children with that very same
Christian love. It is the greatest teacher, and the most important lesson to learn in all
of life.
But that takes TIME. There must be quality time between parent and child. Nothing
expresses love more, teaches better than the love between father and son, and father
and daughter, and mother and son, and mother and daughter. NOTHING! That TIME
must be qualitative, one on one, open and transparent, and consistent. To be a real
Christian parent and train up that child in the way in which he or she should go
requires quality time as first priority and always. Nothing expresses better than time
spent together one-on-one. NOTHING!
The roles of father and mother are different, but they must be guided, as scripture
clearly states, by Christian principles, morals, ethics, and commandments. The
Christian home must be full of faith, hope, and above all LOVE. Real love. REAL
CHRISTIAN LOVE! That home environment is far more powerful than any church. Or
any pastor. Or any Sunday School. Evil human beings know that as well or perhaps
even better than the good, the Christian men and women. Evil men like Hitler and
Stalin knew the power of the home and the education provided by the parents or
parent SURROGATES. The training of that young mind, heart, and soul from the first
ability to comprehend, perhaps as early as age 3 or 4, is the most formative, lasting,
training and experience any child could ever have.
Home is where the heart is, so it is said. The real home is where the real Christian
heart of love exists, where both mother and father LIVE THE LIFE OF REAL
CHRISTIAN LOVE. When a child is raised in that environment, that child will be raised
right, and have every opportunity to live the very best possible life, the very life which
God the creator intended for that child, HIS CHILD.
A real believer should marry another believer. A real mother will want a real Christian
husband-father, and a real husband-father will want a real Christian wife-mother. And
every child will want a real Christian mother and a real Christian father and when he
or she is old, mature, an adult, and living as the Lord intended, that child will not
depart from the ways of the Lord, lovingly lived out by loving Christian parents:


America is the leader of the west.
Or at least, it once was.
We were born as a marvelous experiment in Democracy, in FREEDOM. We, the 1776ers built our country as THE CITY ON THE HILL, the bright, shining beacon welcoming all to enjoy these precious freedoms with the Pledge of Allegiance to protect, preserve and defend our precious constitution and our way of life.
We were built as a nation, one nation, indivisible, UNDER GOD with the promise of liberty and justice for all but America 2021 is nothing more then divided, deeply divided. We the people are polarized in virtually every aspect of our lives and our society. Instead of UNITED WE STAND, our motto should be divided to the core. We are anything but one nation.
We are weakened in virtually every aspect of our society. Our economy. Where the dollar once used to be the measure of financial stability, it is no longer. We pile debt upon debt and print money for anything and everything. Our military is nowhere near as strong, threatened as we are by China and Russia. We are culturally far different, Judeo – Christian standards mocked and ignored. Religion wanes, faith in the God of the universe, and especially the God of our Lord Jesus Christ crumbles daily. We are a house divided, and a house divided:
No matter the wars of the world, Continental America was never attacked. That was so until September 11, 2001. Then came Bin Laden and his minions and the World Trade Center twin towers were destroyed, as was much of the Pentagon in Washington D.C. We found it unbelievable for these incredible acts of terrorism had never happened to us before, NEVER. But we rallied. We became almost overnight UNITED, ready to defend, to protect and preserve all that we held dear. Some 4,000 of our fellow citizens perished. We rallied to their cause, their families, their aid and support and our President George W. Bush vowed to bring the killers to justice. There was a feeling of PATRIOTISM which America had not experienced in decades. We were ready to do whatever was required. America was the America it should be, the America of old, the America of 1776. In the midst of this incredible disaster, the 9/11 massacres, America was:

But that renewed Patriotism did not last long. It gave way to partisanship, ideological differences, deep societal divisions and rather than the patriotic love for country, an ever growing hatred for so much of what America stood for. There came about a more active socialism, something to replace democracy. Marxism reared its ugly head again. China and Russia emerged as ever growing threats to America, more each year in the past two decades. Iran and other terrorist African and Middle East nations flexed their aggressive muscles. Terrorism spread virtually everywhere. The world seemed never to have been more unsafe. There were wars and rumors of wars. America fought such wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and it seemed as though the world we knew in the year 2000 was now dramatically changed. At least America was.
But, who are we my fellow Americans? What kind of people are we and what kind of society, civilization and political orientation do we have. What is America today? And how shall we live, HOW?
I wonder if we are the descendants the people of 1776 who fought and gave their lives for the freedoms we enjoy today. I wonder whether we are freedom fighters, willing to fight with our lives for our freedoms.
I wonder what we really believe, what are our real priorities. I wonder what kind of government we want to have and how active and aggressive we will be in participating in that government. I wonder whether or not our Judeo – Christian values, the moral principles upon which this country was built, will endure and how meaningful they are. Is it not time, with the lessons of 9/11, of Patriot day in mind to ask straight forwardly:
We were leaders of the world, world watch dog empower. We were proud to be Americans and citizens the world over respected our country and WE THE PEOPLE. We honored our commitments, our WORD but today, America lives in the error of POST TRUTH where the lie abounds. We can no longer be trusted. We have abandoned Afghanistan and for the most part Iraq, military endeavors we undertook after 9/11. We have left thousands to die as terrorism spreads and rules. It is in many ways embarrassing to be an American for so many.
How good it would be for our country if that born again Patriotism were to be revived an become once again our way of life. If only Patriot day could awaken once again the spirit of Patriotism, love of Constitution, and an even deeper love of freedom, all of the freedoms we enjoy. A young American saved hundreds of lives when he and his cohort aboard a plane bent on sabotage and killing said to his fellow passengers:
He and they gave their lives as the plane went down, saving hundreds of other lives and perhaps even the very White House of America itself. This man was willing to die for freedom. Are we? Are we willing to give our lives for the incredible life and lifestyle
we now enjoy, are we? Patriot day asks that of us. HOW WILL WE RESPOND. What will we tell the world America is and what do we believe.
The real America would heed the call of President Thomas Jefferson who said so clearly that:
“The tree of liberty needs to refreshed by the blood of Patriots from time to time.”
And now is surely the time when that might happen if in fact we are determined to live free.
The lesson of 9/11 should be that we the people have a renewed hunger for freedom, that we have a far deeper appreciation of what freedom is, how fragile it is and what we must do to live free. Perhaps 9/11 allows us to once again adopt the slogan, the theme of the great revolutionary state of Vermont:
I wonder if we are willing to die for freedom like they were, are we? Are we willing to lay our all on the alter for freedom to protect, preserve and defend our way of life, are we?
May it be so. Be willing, my fellow Americans, to do whatever it takes to preserve, protect and defend our beloved America.
For these precious freedoms once lost, are lost forever.


Work is good. Work is necessary for the fulfillment of every human being. Work is required of every person according to his or her capabilities and talents, so sayeth the Scripture. All of us must work to survive, live, grow and profit and be all that we can be and as God intended us to be.
Our very own America was built on hard work, and is in fact itself a work in progress. The progress depends upon us, we the people, how hard we work and how we make things happen. The majority of we the American people are hard workers. And, the harder and the better we work, the better America and all of us are. To be sure, nothing comes easy in this life, nothing. Everything we have or enjoy is the product of hard work by someone, whether you, or me, or someone else. You and I must do our share, accomplish our calling for the very short time we have on this precious earth. Life, said the wisest man of old King Solomon, is but a vapor here today and gone so soon tomorrow. We should make every working day count to the fullest.
Pioneers built our country. They were men and women who did little but work hard morning till night. They farmed land never before productive. They raised animals and used them for work and feed. They built houses, and churches, and City Halls. They built roads and bridges. They built autos and trucks. They built hospitals and invented medicines. They designed and manufactured clothing. They created places for entertainment and worship. They built elaborate and majestic campuses for education and things theological. They built laboratories and science centers and they sent us deep into space. They were then and we are now the workers who made America great, America, the most exciting, creative human and social experiment in all of history. You and I should be proud of them and we should be proud to be workers like they were. The more we work, the better we are, caught up, energized and thrilled by the spirit of America, our exceptional opportunity to pursue our dreams and to build our future. America and those who believe in what it stands for are indeed EXCEPTIONAL and we have been blessed by EQUALLY EXCEPTIONAL opportunity. As we work, we should do everything possible to protect and defend the opportunities, lifestyles and freedoms which America offers.
How wonderful it is that the talent and ability of every individual God-Made is different, unique. It is marvelous indeed that every single person has talent and gifts which are in fact different. That is true divine diversity. None of us are better at least not in the sight of God, but different only. Each of us has our own special CALLING. So, no matter who you are, YOU are special and it is your right but every bit as importantly your duty to utilize those God-given talents to the fullest. It is your duty
to fulfill your calling. So then, we should not be concerned with what others think nor
should we judge what we do and how we work by the standards of others. Nor should
we be inhibited by their criticism. For we need to know ourselves, be true to that
special self and soul which God has created and through prayer and meditation, come
to a full recognition of those talents and be the very person God intended that you and
I be. We can fail, but we can bounce back. The opportunity for growth and change is
still available in America, thank God. Ignore rejection and focus on your calling.
So then, my fellow Americans, you may be called to be a mother. Be all that you can
be as a mother for the sake of your children and do your God-given calling with all of
your might. Or perhaps you are secretary, or babysitter. Perhaps you clean for a
living. Recognize all such work as a calling and do your calling with all of your might.
Or perhaps you are plumber, electrician, landscaper, restaurant worker. Do your
calling with all of your might and as you can, as unto the Lord. Or perhaps you are
lawyer, accountant, radio salesperson, financial planner. Do your calling with all of
your might. And if you are the President of anything, including the President of our
great United States, you perhaps have a calling with higher standards, duties and
demands. No one should do a calling better than you WITH ALL OF YOUR MIGHT!
So, we work, we produce and as we do, we should expect return which of course
includes money and profit. We work for economic growth and benefit, for the fruit of
our labors. We follow the biblical prescription that we can expect even with minimum
work product the return of that work one for one. Or perhaps, five to one. Or even as
Scripture indicates, perhaps as much as ten to one or more as we diligently develop
and exploit those talents and capabilities through hard work. The money return from
our work, efforts, creativity and initiative is blessed by Scripture. That money return
is right, as we become work men and work women worthy of our hire. We plant, as
Scripture says, and Mother Nature waters and it is GOD who gives the increase so the
Scriptures say. It is a good thing to make money and to be rewarded for our work.
Money supports. Money helps others. Money creates opportunity. The best of us at
work, hard work, is exactly what this world of so many ENTITLED needs now more
than ever. In fact, hard and productive work is so necessary for this world of
entitlements in which we live in order for it to survive and continue. It is well and
good indeed to help those all in real need. But all who can, any and all including
those receiving entitlements, should work as they can.
But today, unfortunately it seems, there are those supposedly progressive in thinking
who wish to tell us that profit is wrong, especially in excess. That profit made is the
result of GREED at work. Profit they say is not as a result of hard work or special
skills, but rather the exploitation of others. Ignore them. You are worthy of the profit
and gain of anything you produce at any level of life. The more you invest as a mother,
the better your child, perhaps better than others. Enjoy the fruit, the profit of your
labors. When you build something, revel in the fruit of your labors and do it with all of
your might, and better than others. For no matter what progressives or others would
say, YOU DID IN FACT BUILD IT, and you did build it yourself. In fact, so much of
what is built would not have been built without you or me. Revel in, enjoy and profit
from anything and everything YOU BUILT!
But work produces much more than money. Those who understand the value of work
realize full well that the doing well of anything is the reward itself! The satisfaction,
the fulfillment, the full expression of the self among mankind and before God are THE
BEST REWARDS. They are indeed more valuable than money for money comes and
goes. But the rewards of work well done last a lifetime and are in fact eternal. We
create an earthly balance sheet, personal financial and loss statements here and now,
but it is the ETERNAL balance sheet which really counts. Nothing goes with you, no
matter what you leave behind, but only the heavenly balance sheet you create. For
there is always something more, often much more than the work itself or the profit
therefrom. There is good, often enormous good in work well done and even very
spiritual good. See that clearly as part of the goal of your calling and WORK which
only adds to the return and the enjoyment.
So, the work we do can be not only for money, or profit, but for non-profit. For worthy
causes. For the good of society in which we live. For all humanity, especially those in
need. For the Christian Church and for the Christ we love and serve. For blood
drives. For HIV awareness and treatment. For feeding and sheltering the homeless.
For carrying the message of the Gospel to forsaken and needy parts of America and the
world. Shepherding and guiding children. Tending to the needs of the elderly.
Visiting and comforting those in prison.
All of these things make us what we should be before the Lord and our fellow man.
So many of us are people of faith. But our faith, sayeth Scripture, without works is
dead. Whatever you believe, whatever your faith, there is no way for anyone to know
whether or not it is real except by your works. Talk is cheap. But by the fruits of your
labors your fellow human beings will know you. If there is in fact a work of God in
you, a CALLING, a life objective, the works that you do will prove to others who you
are. What you and I do not do also proves who we are. The great thinking Dietrich
Bonhoeffer said that not to act is to act. Negative actions, doing nothing, can be as
potent negatively as actual action itself.
Unfortunately, there are those who do deceitful works and works of iniquity. They are
known for their fraudulent and deceitful acts. They work not for the good of mankind,
but only for themselves, for ego, for elicit gain in a deceitful way. Their works and
their lives are in vain. William Shakespeare said that the evil that men do lives after
them, the legacy they make and that evil is the only thing remembered here and in
So, it is our duty to study, to grow ourselves in our career and constantly make
ourselves better, so that we can show ourselves approved as work men and women,
understanding the objectives, values and priorities which are ours, always growing in
our understanding, especially the Scriptures so that we can be approved by God before
him as well as man. Learning, whether a trade or in law, or by gaining experience and
growing or by learning from others, or the school of hard knocks, and by mistakes,
learning standards of excellence to which we can aspire so that we can be all, ALL we
can be, working with all of our might knowing in this world that indeed the night is
coming where no man can work. Work while you can and the best you can.
In this life, we slow down, age or perhaps lose interest or motivation, and of course
energy and our ability to work dissipates or even ends. With that ends opportunity
and potential and we may not have finished what we are called to do. Some retire, or
quit, or are forced to retire prematurely. Some of us are fortunate enough to finish
and accomplish our objectives and purposes, while others can not. For us, we are
fortunate that even Jesus of Nazareth said in John’s Gospel that he had in fact
finished the work for which the Father had sent him. He had accomplished His
objectives, fulfilled His purposes and He did so to His last dying breath. Our goal, like
HIS should be to finish our work, the work for which we were sent by God and meant
to do. That is the greatest fulfillment this life can offer.
We are called upon by God Almighty to live every day to the fullest. CARPE DIEM my
fellow Americans, seize the day. It is the day which the Lord hath made and for you to
work and be productive. Worry not about tomorrow, or the criticism, expectations or
even the rejections of any man. It has its own problems-evil-which you can not control
or do anything about. But, rather think in terms of how precious every minute of
every hour of every day is, and rejoice in that. Maximize the opportunity that minute
brings and, whatever your hand finds to do, YOUR CALLING, do it with all of your
might. Every God-given minute is indeed an opportunity there once never to return.
So that everything we do, everything no matter how menial works together for good.
The joy of living is so special. We are told by our Lord that He is come that we might
have life in its most ABUNDANT form and that our joy, OUR TOTAL JOY may be full.
There is joy in every moment, as we work, as we rest, as we play, as we love others and
as we understand who we are and:
Those who love to work and love as much to be productive and make things happen
know that the ultimate reward for such work is:
No matter the accolades of man, or profit, or any other earthly benefit, the ultimate
reward, the ultimate satisfaction is the work itself. Nothing feels better to any rightthinking
person than a job well done, having done the best you can with all of your
So then, for the Christian, there is something even greater than works. There is
GRACE, saving grace. And no manner of works can ever equal that. The grace at God
at work trumps the works of any man, but when added to works, leads to the complete
fulfillment of that life. We can and should be proud of the works we do, but the work
of God in Jesus Christ, saving grace through Him is the greatest work of all. The
combination of grace producing work, the right work is the very best thing in life.
So, my fellow Americans, work hard. Work well, with purpose. Know your calling. Do
what you were CALLED to do, and do it in each and every minute, hour and day of
your life. Do what your Creator would have you do and you will find fulfillment in that
work and in your life. It matters not whether you are housewife or President,
millionaire or middle class, never forget that:
We need not the approval or recognition of mankind however enjoyable that may be.
We need to work to be approved by God, who knows us, our every thought and deed.
His approval is all that matters.
I and the Crawford Broadcasting Company honor all of the men and women in
America who work, and work hard, and make America, family and friends, and all of
us so much better and especially those who work as unto the Lord. Find the work you
love to do, really love to do and you will never work a day in your life!
God bless you work men and women worthy of your hire and it is because of you that:


God ordained that you and I live in America. Why, only He knows. You and I are privileged to live in the greatest land, the greatest nation in the history of mankind. We are blessed beyond belief, far more than we can know. No matter what may be wrong, the problems and difficulties WE THE PEOPLE face, America is the greatest. There is no nation like her, none in human history. NONE.

It is ironic, sad really, that we the citizens, the partakers of these American privileges and liberties cannot fully appreciate them, teach them, live by them, and, as our constitution says, protect, preserve, and defend these freedoms and liberties for our posterity and to teach them how unique, how special, America, its Constitution, rule of law, its way of life, all of this and so much more, so special.

With these blessings and privileges are obligations, and duties. We owe, we are required to give back, to invest back in this great country, to do our part to preserve, protect, and defend this way of life. Today, how casually we seem to neglect those duties. More than ever, Americans take their freedoms, especially their political freedoms for granted. We assume they go on, that we will live out the life given us without doing our share of the work required to maintain them. As that practice continues, the freedoms we enjoy will be lost indeed in one generation. Sad and tragic, don’t you think? Where are we? Where are you and where am I when the revolutionary call of THE BRITISH ARE COMING echoes through America. Where are we? Why do we not grab our muskets of faith and head to the battlefield, wherever that is, whatever that is to protect our beloved America, why?
Our political system is the finest ever designed, ever. It provides for the full exercise of Federal power. But it also provides for incredible CHECKS AND BALANCES. Run right, implemented in Constitutional terms, the American form of government is the very finest ever designed by mankind. The vast majority of our children never know that. They are not trained up in the ways in which they should go, especially politically, and when they are old, and become decision-makers, they know not the way of their parents, the way of America, the way of the Constitution! How sad and the beginning of the end of freedom, of America itself!
There are so many ways to learn who we are, what we are, how we should function, and why it is necessary for every citizen, EVERY CITIZEN, to do his or her part, CRITICAL! Millions are uninformed. Perhaps even worse, those same millions really don’t care, really don’t feel a sense of urgency, REALLY DON’T REALIZE what is happening in America today. They remain indifferent and like Nero of the Rome of old, fiddled while America burns. Someone else to the rescue, but I am too busy, say the millions. And freedom, our very constitutional liberties teeter on the brink.

Every American citizen should know one issue and know it well. So often, when an American knows one, and can think it through and discuss reason, and come to constitutional conclusions, that American wants more, more issues, more involvement, and becomes possessed daily with a greater concern for all things American. ONE ISSUE, a catalyst for more, but just one.

Then comes a desire to really know the candidates, and what those candidates for political office think and believe about the ONE ISSUE. The priority of this American voter. And, one leads to more. Candidates are understood in terms of their past, their true actions and deeds, their real beliefs without hypocrisy and voting alliances are formed. Support, real support can be given. Money or money consideration, time, effort, and endorsement can be rendered confidently.

That informed, enlightened voter will attend rallies. That supporter will support special appearances and attend. That voter, one issue expert and exploring all others, can influence so many readily and confidently. ONE ISSUE, and that inevitably leads to the want more, more knowledge of all issues.

Political discussions then become natural. They move from mere duty to opportunity. It becomes natural and normal to discuss with family, to educate and be educated. It stimulates thinking and when watered with prayer, political matters become all the more clear.

Then, action becomes easy. Action becomes natural, even desirable. It is not forced but is there, right there, waiting, waiting for the right passionate and loving American to SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY and stand up for our beloved America.

Then, the First Amendment, the absolute guarantee, the five guarantees of freedom, critically necessary for mankind become a way of life, for without them, any of them, there would be no America. That American, that real American citizen, studies to show himself approved unto God, and to America, and fellow citizens, true political workmen and workwomen, constantly in the task of learning and loving the constitution, and all things American political, so that he or she will become a far better American, a far better citizen, rightly dividing, understanding and communicating political truths in an America which now lives in so many ways in the era of:


NOW IS THE TIME FOR CHRISTIAN AND CONSERVATIVE ACTION! NOW! Are you willing to do your part, do you love, care for, and are you willing to protect and defend this the greatest land in the history of mankind in which you are privileged to live, are you? Now or never. The loss of freedom is only one generation away. You and I have the duty as citizens to make certain that THIS IS NOT THAT GENERATION!


IT IS TIME! It is time for all of us who love our Lord Jesus Christ, who are real Christians, to stand up.

It is time for all of us soldiers of the cross, to:


Time to take action. Time to wrap ourselves in the armor of truth.

It is time to embrace the shield of righteousness. It is time to be both energized and protected by the Holy Spirit.


NOT WITH WEAPONS. NOT WITH BULLETS. NOT WITH FORCE OR VIOLENCE. But with all of our might with the spiritual weapons of:




Especially love.

It is time to show the enemy the power of love, the real power of love which Christians have in Jesus Christ. We are told that God is love. And, God IS love. And that love is available as the greatest force in all of this world, ALL OF IT! And, with regard to our Lord, we are told that there is no greater love than that a man or woman lay down his or her life for a friend, for a belief, for Jesus Christ. NO GREATER LOVE! Are you willing to lay down your life as you fight the fight of faith, are you? Am I?

Tenderness and compassion are also weapons of the fight of faith. It is an enormously difficult task to love a sinner but hate the sin. Our God does it well, naturally, but we, human and weak, tend to judge both sin and sinner. Judging is not our business but testing the spirits is. Confronting sin, evil, the WRONG, is our business and we may to some extent be conspirators if we do not stand up against that sin, like abortion, like the unnatural, like euthanasia for there is no such thing as mercy killing. Jesus gave his all. He laid down his life for his friends, all of us, all humanity. He showed us the way, the truth, and the life…in death. There is nothing in this world like knowing Him, REALLY KNOWING HIM! Nothing but nothing is more empowering, energizing, enabling, and edifying, NOTHING!

With those, the weapons of faith, it is only natural, only right that we, the Army of the Cross, speak up and speak out. There is no way, with that power, that we can be anything but bold, aggressive in our faith, sharing that faith in word and deed, especially deed. There is no way we can be afraid or ashamed. Each of us who believe is possessed with unique talents, all different, but all effective. Your talents are unique in the kingdom of God, needed on the spiritual battlefield. If you truly love your Lord, and you truly believe, you must bring your talents, God-given, to the fore. And now. The night is coming when no man or woman can work, can bring their talents to the fray. Today is the day. You have the opportunity to serve today, this very day. Be on the watch, watchmen and women, and when the opportunity arises, seize it for your Lord. FIGHT THE FIGHT OF FAITH!

Those with the gift of speech must speak out. Those who cook the food which God has given must do it as unto the Lord, FEED THE SAINTS! And the needy, and the hungry.

Those who tend to children must do it with fresh vision, energy, and conviction. Those artistic should paint as unto the Lord. Those with strong intellect should teach in love. Those who preach and teach the Word should do so with fresh vision and love. ALL IN THE FIGHT OF FAITH.

That battle wages, where two or three are gathered together. Franklin Graham, good man, man of God as he is, draws hundreds of thousands. One, or two, or three may well be more than enough for you and me.

YOU ARE CALLED, whoever you are. You are possessed with unique faith weapons. And talents. And the Army of the Lord needs you today. TODAY!

So, action, Christian and conservative action, is called for. Absolutely necessary TODAY. This is the day which the Lord hath made. Be glad, rejoice therein, and thank God for your salvation and for the privilege you have of living in your, my, our beloved America, EXAMINE YOUR WEAPONS, YOUR TALENTS, and this very day:


Not with the weapons of the world, not with violence, killing, not with hate, vengeance, or any of the ways of the world, but only with the potent, never-failing, eternal weapons of our Lord:


And, my fellow Christian:


For Him. God has promised you and me the spiritual victory!



If you are a true, bible-believing, saved-by-grace Christian, and so much has been given to you by our Lord, to you and me, when so much has been given, MUCH IS EXPECTED.

Every Christian, no matter the intellect, education, or academic capability, is required to:


Woke, progressive, radical, anti-American individuals, growing by leaps and bounds, count on the fact that you and I will not study the issues, and understand their implications to our faith, our church, and our Lord. No matter the issue, they the enemy count upon Christians being indifferent, uninvolved, and even ignorant of what is really happening, truth and fact in this world of cancel-culture and post-truth. You and I, lovers of our Lord Jesus Christ, must show them that we are the exact opposite. That we still stand up, that we will fight the fight of faith with God-given weapons far superior to the military and violent weapons of the world, and that:


It matters now more than ever. And of course, to us, the ultimate truth is:



That takes study, and work. There is not any human being anywhere who does not have the capability to do that. No matter your level of intelligence, IQ, or academic rating, YOU CAN DO THIS! You must do this. You must be informed, educated, and enlightened, and you must be active, participating, strong in the Lord, wearing the armor of faith, wielding the sword of Righteousness, and fully protected by the Love, Power, and Strength of Jesus Christ. YOU MUST STAND UP AND BOLDLY SO!

Study those scriptures, all of them, Old and New Testament. Learn from them, and ask for the wisdom, guidance, and understanding of the Holy Spirit. Think through those issues. Dwell upon them until you understand them, issues that matter to you, and issues which God has laid upon your heart. Find the answers. That starts with Holy Scripture. Therein lies absolute and unconditional and uncompromising truth.

Study the Constitution. Understand what you can. Seek outside sources which will explain, educate, and edify you, and enlighten you as a proud American citizen. There is no guarantee, no expression of freedom any better or more comprehensive than the incredible First Amendment of that American Constitution. Perhaps the greatest document ever produced by mankind, the expression of freedom, the body of that document with its amendments, ours as Americans since 1787.

We can worship as we please, openly, unashamed, publicly, and as the Lord leads. The right to believe and proclaim the Gospel is a right that can never be taken away, NEVER. We must fight the fight of faith to preserve that right, now and always.

There is no freedom of religion, no right, opportunity, or privilege to be a Christian without the free speech and free press that the First Amendment of the Constitution guarantees. We must be able to speak loudly, boldly, intelligently, and joyfully about the faith which has transformed us, made us different, and which is the core, the substance of our lives. We must preserve those freedoms, speech and press, the heart and soul of liberty at all costs. We must say, and believe, and act upon the words of founding father Patrick Henry, ‘GIVE ME LIBERTY (freedom of religion, speech, and press) OR GIVE ME DEATH!

We must be ready to lay our all on the altar, our lives, our possessions, our future, to protect this liberty, the first and most important of which is:


Anyone, ANYONE, can do that, no matter the education or level of intellect, ANYONE! Ask for the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit, ask for understanding and enlightenment. Ask and you will receive that if you are serious, willing to work and study, and determine to be a better Christian and American. All freedoms take work, and require protection, passionate belief, and determination to win the battle of faith, hope, and love. That battle of faith is not easy, constant, never-ending, and we must be soldiers of the cross until HE returns, the captain of our faith and the only one, THE ONLY ONE, who can redeem and bring peace, goodwill, and love to all humankind.

STUDY! Scripture and Constitution.



PRAY. Ask for the wisdom and understanding of the Holy Spirit, our precious Holy Bible, and our beloved secular counterpart, our Constitution. 


SPEAK BOLDLY! And, like Paul, say with all your heart:


PROTECT AND DEFEND our holy Scriptures.

PROTECT AND DEFEND our beloved Constitution.

Read it, understand what you can, and seek guidance and understanding from sources that can help you become a better fighter of the faith and a champion of America.

To be Christian, to be American, to have those incredible opportunities comes with duty, responsibility, and obligation. Chief of which is to study, learn, engage, be involved, and work for the night is coming, work for your Lord and your Country.

DO WHAT YOU CAN! Only what you can, but do it well, do it with all your might, and protect your faith and your country. For those precious freedoms, privileges, once lost are lost forever. Heed the words of Ronald Reagan:



The Los Angeles Dodgers are a popular, well-known, and for the most part, good baseball team and organization.

They play baseball, or at least they should, that and that alone. Their objective, their mission, is sports, clean, honest, hardworking sports, with the objective of winning the World Series. They are not qualified and should not be involved in politics, cultural or social issues and ideas, and most importantly, religion. They have no business or expertise to take positions on any religious matters or social-cultural matters and issues as well. PLAY BASEBALL AND DO IT WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT!

But then comes so-called PRIDE MONTH. Supposedly, Americans-We The People are supposed to honor and embrace the LGBTQIA movement. Whether or not we believe in gay homosexuality and the lifestyle which accompanies that movement, which in so many ways is anti-Christian, and even more broadly anti-religion. Somehow, and for whatever reason, and whoever made these decisions, the top brass of the LA Dodgers, that major league baseball organization, decided to honor the Pride movement by having a night and a baseball game in their honor and in celebration of PRIDE MONTH.

Shockingly, the LA Dodgers decided to “celebrate” pride month by honoring the:


These so-called SISTERS are nothing more than men who dress up in sexually explicit and rainbow-colored nun clothing to mock Catholics. These men, posing as women, perform shocking stunts designed to be as offensive as possible. They include a CONDOM SAVIOR MASS and believe this or not, pole dancing on a crucifix, perhaps the height of blasphemous mockery of Christianity and the Catholic church, and presenting DRAG QUEENS posing as nuns. Can you believe that? What an entity. Sounds to me like straight from the devil. What do you think?

Again, shockingly, the LA Dodgers gave this anti-Catholic bigoted group center stage and honored them as representatives of the Pride movement with utter disregard for Catholicism, Catholics in general, and in fact all Christians who believe in the crucified Lord Jesus Christ.  The Dodgers organization invited SISTERS OF PERPETUAL INDULGENCE, then as a result of an outpouring of thousands of protests, disinvited the group, but then the radical, woke, progressive, cancel-culture thinking, which obviously dominates the Los Angeles Dodgers ownership and decision makers, re-invited this blasphemous group once again. This intolerant hate group showed up at the LA Dodgers PRIDE NIGHT, a baseball game at Dodgers stadium on June 16th. To me, it was totally improper for the Dodgers to honor pride month, really none of their baseball business, but to do so with this vial, blasphemous, hate group was the ultimate disrespectful and blasphemous attack upon all things CATHOLIC, and consequently all Christians.

Up stepped the aggressive organization:


This organization stands up for the rights of Catholics and indirectly all Christians and will not tolerate any hate, blasphemous attack, or disrespect of any kind to Catholicism. Ironic, is it not, that our illustrious president, Joe Biden, claims to be a devout Catholic but has no problem endorsing Pride Month and the LGBTQIA movement, which is anti-Christian and Catholic in so many ways. I wonder if any of this anti-Catholic activity reaches the ears of Pope Francis!

The organization CATHOLIC VOTE went public, with advertising everywhere, demanding that the Dodgers:

1. Publicly apologize for honoring this so-called SISTERS OF PERPETUAL INDULGENCE.

2. Pledge, this Dodgers organization, to never host or honor an anti-Catholic hate group ever again.

3. Fire every person within the Dodgers organization responsible for organizing and approving this reprehensible stunt.

CATHOLIC VOTE is determined that the Dodgers organization will not get away with celebrating sexual perversion to mock Catholics. I can only imagine the outcry, the protest, politically and culturally, and the litigation which would follow such blasphemous mockery of Jews and Judaism, or Muslims and Islam. But to the Dodgers, it seems like the blasphemous mockery of Catholics and Christianity generally is fair game, attacks and disrespect the Dodgers organization can get away with.

I, like millions of other Christians, and a baseball fan, love the game, and always respected the Dodgers organization, until now.

Up stepped the great organization Judicial Watch. JW filed a lawsuit along with Catholic Vote, perhaps motivated by this latest Dodgers blasphemous action to sue the FBI, the once objective, fair, and well-trusted FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, and the Department of Justice of which it is a part, alleging the targeting of Catholics by the FBI who adhere to traditional beliefs on abortion and other cultural issues. Judicial Watch president, Tom Fitton, issued this statement:  “In a brazen attack on the First Amendment and Christians, the Biden FBI planned to treat Catholics as potential terrorists and spy on them in their churches.”

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch and Brian Burch of Catholic Vote are two formidable, no-quit, no-nonsense individuals, formidable foes to say the least. They are determined to find, identify, litigate, and rid our beloved country of those biased individuals who attack Catholics specifically and all Christians generally as well. It is time, overdue in many ways, for all Catholics and in fact, all Christians to live out and make happen the mission of Catholic Vote which is:

“To inspire every Catholic in America to live out the truth of our faith in public life!”

Amen. Get on with it. Stand up for the First Amendment, for freedom of religion, and assembly, and put a stop once and for all to all things anti-Christian. In many ways, that Stand is now or never.

Clayton Kershaw, star pitcher for the LA Dodgers agrees. Strong Christian that he is, he protested Pride Night at Dodgers stadium and more importantly, the honoring of THE SISTERS OF PERPETUAL INDULGENCE. I only wish other members of the Dodgers organization, or perhaps, more importantly, the baseball team itself, had stood up, protested, and realized the unbelievable enormity of the action of the Dodgers organization and the anti-religious, Catholic and Christian disrespect of this action.

My fellow Americans and fellow Christians, if every Christian, of every denomination, were to stand up, take charge of culture and government, and education and the media, rather than being intimidated or silent, or withdrawn, or perhaps worst of all indifferent, and FIGHT THE FIGHT OF FAITH, America could be restored overnight and in one election to its traditional roots and the deep and abiding respect for real religion, for real Christianity. Unfortunately, protests occur, and millions of American citizens are offended, speak out, but for some reason, do not follow through, and as a result, do not win the spiritual battle. To fight the fight of faith is to win the spiritual battle, not just to fight. We the Christians fight not with traditional weapons, force, or might, but with the power of the gospel, conviction, stand, uncompromising, with love not hate. But I believe we must be determined to win this battle, to preserve our freedoms, to protect our Loving Lord, and the real Christian faith in which we believe. Do you agree?

And if you do, are you willing to lay all on the altar and win this battle? Christians are not hateful. All those anti-Christian are the hateful ones. Somehow, WE THE CHRISTIANS must fight this fight of faith with love and do so with all our might!


We all know about Millennials. Now we know about the so-called Gen-Z. We heard for years about the Baby Boomers and the so-called Silent Generation, old folks like me.

Well, my fellow Americans and fellow Christians, I think it’s about time the great USA and the world at large heard about and from:


and that would be strong, born-again Christians, and equally strong, passionate Americans who will change the hateful label of silent-quiet and replace it with:


The fight-the-fight-of-faith generation. The fight for the real America, the constitutional and rule of law America and to fight back against Cancel Culture, all things woke, radical and anti-American. It is time that America everywhere heard, loud and clear from this no-more silent Christian generation who will now aggressively fight the fight of faith with strong Christian and conservative, PEACEFUL WEAPONS. Can we now date this new STAND-UP GENERATION from 2023 to a time to be determined far into the future? No matter your age or stereotype, no matter by what generation you are labeled, you and I, mentally and spiritually, emotionally, and culturally should form the new aggressive meaningful force in America, once again:


Are you ready to join? Are you finally ready to be heard, silent generation members? I do hope and pray so.

A recent poll conducted by the ALLIANCE DEFENDING FREEDOM (ADF) found that conservative college students and workers say they fear sharing their political and religious beliefs in this virulent cancel-culture environment. They fear losing their jobs if they champion or express conservative religious or political views at work. Cancel culture retribution, woke intimidation, and criticism would come if such views were posted and made available on social media. So much for free speech, silent generation. But that silent force of intimidation seems to exist virtually everywhere.

There are at least 284 large companies and corporations, such as Apple and Disney, which champion the agenda of LGBTQIA and at the same time, do everything possible to limit or extinguish the views and free speech expressions of conservatives and Christians. These large companies openly make it clear, even if indirectly, that conservatives and Christians will be “shut out of advancement opportunities,” mistreated by co-workers and bosses, and even fired for voicing their beliefs. Courageous conservatives and Christians will however stand up, not be intimidated, exercise their constitutional First Amendment rights of free speech and if there is retribution, bring a healthy dose of litigation against the offending company. That should be the non-violent payback of conservatives and Christians who experience this illegal, hateful, non-constitutional threat, intimidation, and unfair treatment.

The ADF survey indicates that this kind of censorship and intimidation is everywhere and affects everything and virtually everyone either directly or indirectly. The bottom line is that these woke-workplace policies unfairly silence these good employees, and it is necessary and critical that they fight back.

One such form of intimidation, and unfair and unequal treatment is the policy expressed by so many of these 284 corporations which require conservatives and Christians to not offend another person when they express their views. These companies require that corporate policy and etiquette require others, in speech expression, to be respectful of others. How interesting that these one-sided, biased, even hateful corporate officers, with their directors of integration, diversity, and the like, do not have the very same policies and expectations for woke, radical, anti- American employees as they work and express their views. Unfair, biased, hateful, anti-Conservative, and anti-Christian every bit as much as anything direct, overt, and tangible.

The ADF study also indicated that so many large companies and corporations in America now enforce official and unofficial speech and thought codes for their employees. That of course produces a toxic, strained, stressful, and tenuous work environment. These same rules are surely applied in force to conservates and Christians but not so very much with all others.

The excellent FOUNDATION FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS AND EXPRESSION (FIRE) reported in December that 88% of four-year colleges and universities now restrict the free expression of their students, requiring such expressions to be done only in so-called FREE SPEECH ZONES and even there with restrictions. So much for the Constitution, First Amendment, freedom of speech and press, and assembly, the gathering and speaking of conservative speakers, and of course, unabridged freedom of religion. These anti-American, anti-constitutional forces are everywhere and growing in clout and political muscle.

CANCEL CULTURE is winning the cultural battle, but that is primarily because conservatives and Christians do not protest, are not heard, do not stand up, and do not exercise their constitutional or legal rights because of this rampant intimidation, ridicule, rejection, and revenge. This has to stop, my fellow conservatives and Christians, IT HAS TO STOP AND STOP NOW. And, only the brand-new STAND-UP GENERATION of those once silent, now silent no more, can make that happen. Let us start to fashion a new generation of Americans, Americans who will not take it anymore, Americans who will stand up for the true and real America, their rights, and freedoms in every constitutional rule of law sense. I URGE YOU TO BE AN ACTIVE PART OF THIS NEW GENERATION. I urge you to influence politics and culture in every way possible, and to be a force to be reckoned with in:


Millions of silent-no-more Americans can make an unbelievable and wholesale difference in this country and the:


Stand up, fight back with peaceful, spiritual weapons, speak out, and be afraid no more of aggressively challenging this hateful, change-or-destroy America, woke and cancel culture generation in which we live. FIGHT BACK AND STAND UP. The loss of freedom is only one generation away and my right-thinking, fellow conservatives and Christians adopt the words of Winston Churchill as your motto for this new stand-up generation:



Bill Clinton, former President of the United States declared the entire month of June as:


That momentous, unusual presidential decision-order occurred in 1999. For the past 23 years, America has supposedly honored all things and all peoples LGBTQIA month whether or not we were supportive or believed that America should pay homage to this movement.

Strange word to adopt as a slogan, the word PRIDE. The connotation is both negative and positive. Scripture, biblical truisms indicate that Pride is a very negative state of being and that:




That may indicate that the so-called Pride Movement might not last, and it might also indicate that WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, who embrace completely different gender views, beliefs and opinions about sex, far and away in the majority, will resist. Will you?

In the End Times, sayeth scripture, there will be an unleashing, new aggression by all things and people:


Men, says the scripture, will lie with men, and women with women, although never intended by the creator (unnatural) who created us male and female and for different purposes sexually. None were intended to be bisexual, transgender, or queer, experimenting. None were surely not intended to be binary. Today, the PRIDE movement adopts and embraces all such lifestyles, brand new gender identities, and totally different and non-biblical sexual orientation, and perhaps even more variations are yet to come. Surely, as Jesus Christ predicted, and as the Apostle Paul affirmed, all such things are sure signs of:


Do you agree? Do you have a firm position and conviction on LGBTQIA, do you?

The PRIDE MOVEMENT is surely a war against Christianity, its values, morals, and certainly its sexual beliefs. And it is also an attack upon real Old Testament Judaism and Islam as well. In fact, PRIDE may be an attack, open warfare against all religions. So that, all who believe in a God who created humankind, male and female, seem to be under attack at every turn, cultural warfare at work, becoming more aggressive by the day.

Some say we Conservatives and Christians have indeed lost the cultural war. They offer no proof. In reality, in so many ways, the FIGHT OF FAITH has only just begun. Many think that Conservatives and Christians are finally waking up, aroused by the aggression of LGBTQ, Black Lives Matter, the 1619 project, and so much more. Cultural warfare which threatens everything that America has been to this point and the very heart and soul of Christianity itself.

BUT, look around. There is now a new resistance at work, a new and aggressive STAND-UP where Christians and Conservatives will not be intimidated, will stand up for their rights, for freedoms, for biblical truths, for religious values, and begin aggressively to:


Do you see that? And are you a part of that?

PRIDE MONTH may have unleashed a new conservative BACKLASH. There is at work a more aggressive PUSH-BACK. There is new religious muscle at work slowly becoming more evident, powerful, and meaningful. Do you see that? And are you a part of that? The American way, constitutional rights, individual freedoms and the liberties we enjoy apparently permit LGBTQIA guaranteed by the constitution. BUT, it gives the movement no special rights no matter how progressive or radical and it certainly gives them no rights to constantly attack, criticize, and use legal, cultural, and economic means to stifle all things Christian.

Finally, the so-called conservative but really truly constitutional majority in the Supreme Court of the United States recognizes the subversive attacks on religions- Christian rights and the Court is reinforcing the rights of the Constitution, allowing Conservatives and Christians to disagree with LGBTQIA, not participate economically or in any other way with the demands of the movement (the Baker and the Photographer) as a matter of basic constitutional right. The cultural war, waged more aggressively by LGBTQIA now begins to feel the real fight-back, the STAND-UP of Christians and Conservatives, and the cultural war has only just begun.

From the biblical books of Moses (first five Old Testament) through David and the Psalms, Solomon and the Prophets, our Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul, there is a universal and unanimous condemnation of the:


These are strong Christian-Jewish-Islamic beliefs. They are not fashioned by individuals like you or me but are given to us as Truth-Absolute. To be Christian is to embrace them, believe them, and live by them. That is an inalienable right under the Constitution, and now for the first time in years, WE THE CHRISTIAN PEOPLE are demanding those rights and fortunately, our Supreme Court agrees.

Christians by the millions are beginning to exercise the push-back of:




Christians begin to BOYCOTT, come apart from, and have nothing to do with LGBTQIA.

Christians are exercising the right of DIVESTMENT distancing and disagreeing with this unnatural biblical position. Christians are also exercising SANCTIONS, speaking out, separating from, and standing up to the aggressions of LGBTQIA.

FORD MOTOR COMPANY forgets business and champions PRIDE. Ford now makes a gay pickup truck and expects its customers not only to embrace the move but buy the truck. Fortunately, that is not happening.

TARGET displays swimwear, and other products, openly gay, and fully embraces the philosophy, and its stock value and income plummet.

ANHEUSER-BUSCH, makers of Bud Light, tout the gay agenda and promote Dylan Mulvaney, the transgender as spokesperson. Bud Light loses 30% of its market share and once, far and away #1, is now a distant #2.

The Los Angeles Dodgers dedicate an entire night of baseball to the SISTERS OF PERPETUAL INDULGENCE, a group that mocks and disparages the Catholic church and its dedicated nuns. The reaction, the push-back was enormous, led by star Dodger pitcher Clayton Kershaw. The believers in the natural stand up. Are you one of them?

Christians have no choice but to fight the cultural war. None at all. You are in the fight, you must engage in that fight, you must contribute to the forces of the natural, and you must stand up and protect and defend your Christian beliefs, especially as you train up children and grandchildren or you will watch those precious biblical beliefs whittle away.

PRIDE goeth before destruction. The only pride worthwhile is for us to be proud of the fact that we are Christians, proud of our Lord Jesus Christ, proud of what he has done for us and for the world, for all mankind, proud that we can live by his instructions and commandments, and humbled by the fact that one day we who see through a glass darkly will know in truth and in person when:


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