- Posted April 25, 2023
The church of Jesus Christ needs YOU now more than ever.
This precious church, this body of believers, the worldwide followers of Jesus Christ need:
to stand, be strong in the faith, bold and aggressively unashamed of your faith now more than ever.
The forces of evil are at war. Our age grows dark and darker by the day. Satan’s army works directly, overtly, aggressively, and every bit as effectively subtly, secretly, covertly to overthrow, even eliminate, the Christian faith and the Christians who believe. This radical army hopes you are unaware. YOU are unaware. A believer not watching, lulled to sleep by the comforts of this world and the deceit lurking everywhere, content with your cellphone and Starbucks culture. They are always at war; they live for their immoral victory, and they will employ any means to win this incredible spiritual battle in this dark day and age of post truth.
This is not scare tactic or even for that matter pessimistic, fearful, or weak:
It is happening. It is everywhere. These anarchists are determined to win, and they will lay their all on the altar of Satan in order to do so. Please, arouse and observe, understand and be ready to deal with the:
The army of our Lord needs YOU now more than ever. YOU! God the father, of our Lord Jesus Christ and YOU calls YOU and me now more than ever to enlist, prepare, be ready and wherever necessary:
with the spiritual weapons which God has given us.
These satanic forces hope you are unaware of the battle at hand, or perhaps simply don’t care, don’t want to be involved. They employ against YOU the weapon of ridicule. If you dare loudly and lovingly to proclaim your faith, you are ridiculed as fanatic, intolerant, non-inclusive, bigot, and racist. This weapon, properly employed, shuts down the walk, testimony and stand of literally millions of believers, MILLIONS!
The evil other side employs the weapon of REJECTION. If you are a sincere person of faith, they utterly reject you and they encourage others to reject you. They accuse you of non-Christian conduct, not loving, not turning the other cheek, not accepting people as they are. And so often YOU, and in fact so many of WE THE BELIEVERS, succumb to this satanic weapon of war.
They, the enemies and haters of our Lord and YOU, intimidate even threaten violence and actually, the world over, employ this weapon. Churches are burned, congregations are shot, Christians are martyred. The courts are full of litigation against Christians (Jack Phillips, Baker in Colorado among others). Legislation is passed by Federal Government, states, and even local communities contrary to Christian morality and accepted standards of behavior. The non-violent weapon of CHANGE, radical change, is utilized everywhere and ALWAYS AT WORK.
Against YOU comes the weapon of SHAME. They believe that Christians will not follow the biblical commandment to be unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, even if it is the power of God unto Salvation. That power, which can defeat any enemy seems so seldom to be called upon by any believer. THEY know that and THEY, unashamed of their purposes and proud of their evil desire to win at any cost, do whatever it takes to advance their cause knowing that millions will not resist. The power of real Christianity, the stand of real Christians are dull, even useless weapons in this dark, ever growing evil day and age. Far too many Christians are impotent, weak, even afraid. They seem not to claim or believe in the biblical promise that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. The sound mind promised by the great God Jehovah and his Holy Spirit seems overrun by the fear which God abhors.
The forces of good, of God, of morality, of CHRISITANITY need YOU now more than ever in this fight of faith. You were created, a child of God, a son or daughter blessed with belief and with spiritual purpose and YOU, no matter who you are, are important, necessary, and vital in the overall plan and priorities of our Lord Jesus Christ. The captain of our spiritual army, THE HOLY SPIRIT, needs YOU now more than ever, fully enlisted and ready to lay your all on the altar.
YOU ARE UNIQUE! No matter who you are, you are UNIQUE! There is only one YOU! The forces of evil make you think differently that you are average, nothing special, without purpose or meaning in any ultimate way in your life. They hope you live life-long content with mediocrity, a mere average existence spiritually, so you could never be a threat, a unique part of this spiritual army which God intended you to be. Without YOU, no matter who you are, the forces of good, the army of God is weakened. YOU must believe that you are special, you are unique, you have a purpose in life, a reason for being different from anyone else, and you must be the person which God intended you to be in every possible way. You must stand up, proud and loving, a joyful believer, who will never compromise, nor be intimidated, nor shy away from the full defense of the faith and the truth and the life, which Jesus Christ has given you. YOU MUST DO WHAT YOU CAN! No more, but no less. You must do what you should as a Christian, as your duty to your Lord. That action and reaction must occur in your life more than anything else.
That kind of response of course can only come if you truly believe, REALLY BELIEVE in your faith. If your Christian commitment is minimal, your faith small, your knowledge of the plan of salvation incomplete, and you are driven by every wind and doctrine, every intellectual and spiritual threat which confronts you, this kind of message will seem extreme, irrelevant and most importantly:
You may think of yourself as having few talents, abilities, not like so many others. And that is one of the most powerful tools of the devil, having you compare yourself with someone else, getting you to believe that you really don’t have a calling or purpose, or real value in the plan of the great God Jehovah for you in this world. You fail in your ability to understand the talent, strengths, and assets which God has give you and the devil rejoices. More than ever, you must know:
You are unique. You are different. No one can do what you are ordained to do, no one! YOU, all of us, need to constantly search our heads and hearts to determine who we are, why we are here and what is our ultimate divine purpose in life. YOU MATTER! If, for example, you are a mother, wife, responsible for household in so many ways, you have skills, talent, leadership qualities, caring, loving, and listening. You have the ability to discipline, organize, communicate, and be a force, spiritually and socially, TREMENDOUS TALENTS. You should recognize them and use them in all of life, even as you perfect them in the home. Undoubtedly, that is what God intended. That is WHO YOU ARE, and who you should be in order to be all that you can be. Be proud of those talents, strong in them, knowing that you, and how you do things are UNIQUE,
Different from and in some ways better than anyone else. That, all of that, is what God intended for:
Replenish yourself every day, all day, with the resources God has given you. First, PRAY. Pray says the scripture without ceasing, all the time. Give thanks, thanks to God, and thank God for who you are, and pray for His wisdom to understand yourself all the better. And, FELLOWSHIP. The company of believers is nourishing, sharpening. You can help strengthen the brethren, whether one on one or in a large church community. Fellowship, contact, and loving listening with other believers grows every human being, every Christian and servant of the Lord.
And STUDY. Study to show yourself approved unto God, workmen and workwomen who, because of what they know:
because you rightly understand, YOU KNOW the truth, the biblical truth. The truth of the God who created you. You know the saving power and love of Jesus Christ. You experience daily the wisdom, guidance, fellowship, and strengthening of the Holy Spirit. You are made better every day by that witness and that influence. YOU ARE READY TO GIVE A REASON FOR THE FAITH THAT IS WITHIN YOU! You are ready to stand for the gospel and for Jesus Christ, and lay all, even your life, on the altar if necessary. You are never weakened by comparing yourself to ANYONE ELSE! You are a unique child of God. You are proud of who you are, spiritually, and you will never be intimidated, ridiculed, or rejected by anyone, ANYONE!
THAT, you are then the warrior, the soldier, the fighter which the Christian FIGHT OF FAITH, the army of God needs now more than ever. I pray that your faith is that strong, so strong that it makes you realize who YOU are and how important you are in the loving plan of Jesus Christ. Without You, the army of God is incomplete, no matter who you are. Please understand that, and your calling, your uniqueness now more than ever.
The church of Jesus Christ, the army of our Lord, needs:
Now more than ever!