
Thru the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee

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When gold is refined, the first step is melting it so it becomes pure. In our continuing study of…
We’re living in an amazing timein the valley between two mountain peaks, as Dr. McGee describes it. One peak…
Someday soon, Jesus Christ is coming again. That’s the terrific reminder our , Dr. J. Vernon McGee, gives us…
Why do God’s children suffer? Difficult question, isn’t it? Fortunately, God’s Word has a lot to say for those…
Today’s study brings us to a tough subjectin fact, Dr. J. Vernon McGee calls it difficult: The doctrine of…
Hope in the midst of trials. That’s what we’re studying as our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, begins our…
Our study in the Old Testament book of Joel concludes as we take one final look at the Day…
Does Acts, chapter 2, fulfill a prophecy made by the prophet Joel long before? Or is there another explanation?…
God is waiting and willing for you to come to him today. That’s the good news we’ll hear from…
Does God try to get our attention by sending natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, famines, or plagues? Dr….
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