
Truth For Life Daily Program

About This Show
Truth For Life is the Bible-teaching ministry of Alistair Begg. The ministry’s mission is to teach the Bible with clarity and relevance so that

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In his epistle, Jude warned readers that no one escapes God’s judgment; not even the angels are exempt…
Throughout church history, there’ve been those who profess faith yet suggest that God’s laws are outdated and Christians…
Christians may express concern that today’s cultural confusion is destroying the church, but in fact, the greatest threat…
King David’s attempts to cover up his sin left him tangled up in his own web of deception….
Jude’s letter to early Christians opens with a reminder of their unique standing as Christ’s followers—they were called,…
On Truth For Life, Alistair Begg begins a brand-new study in the book of Jude! This brief letter…
Jesus’ followers are to “walk in a manner worthy of the calling” they received. So what does that…
The apostle Paul often reminded believers that their behavior should be consistent with their new identity in Christ….
All Scripture’s God-breathed—but some passages, such as Jesus’ “Truly, truly…” statements, prompt us to listen more intently. …
King David’s attempt to hide his sin only snowballed into more sin and deception along with increased restlessness…
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